Product Features

great features to ease your daily operations and year end activities
Student Management
Enquiries New Admission Students List Reports Certificates ID Card Issue TC Daily Attendance Attendance Registry Absent Alerts
Manage Student records with ease, upload student photo, keep student data upto date. Update student details for entire class with bulk update feature. Upload photos for entire class in one go. Generate various student reports caste wise report, class wise report, gender wise report. Issue Transfer Certificate (TC) within seconds and keep track of the issued list. Print student ID card, Study Certificate, Admission abstract with simple clicks. Manage student daily attendance within seconds, Print or export entire class monthly attendance. Get upto date attendance details instantly. Send student absent alerts to parents quickly via SMS.
Academic Management
Setup the Classes, Sections, Subjects and Courses as per the school with great flexibility. Exclusive class dashboard gives a complete overview of happenings in a class. Give assignments and track them for each student. Parents can easily check the daily assignments. Manage Exams and Marks for individual Class, Exam, Subject and Activity. Define Grades as you may need. Generate and print exam Admission Tickets with simple clicks. Automatic consolidated Exam marks and Grade calculation. CCE grade calculation made easy. Send individual Test/Exam marks or grades via SMS and keep the Parents informed. Generate marks sheets and grade sheets for entire class within seconds. Generate the print ready colourful Report Card with student photo for the entire class in one go.
Classes Subjects Courses Class Dashboard Assignments Time Table Exams Hall Tickets Grades Marks Report Card Results Promote
Fee Management
Fee Headers Fee Structure Transport Fees Fee Discounts Fee Collection Fee Receipts Bank Chalans Fee Reports Fee Due Alerts
Define various Fee Headers as required, setup Fee Structure with ease and flexibility. Setup Transport Fees Route, Area and service wise and collect along with other fees. Set Fee Due dates and send fee due reminders via SMS, generate fee due reports. Collect Fee in multiple installments or in one shot payment, automatic fee received SMS. Generate 3 copy Bank chalans and collect fee through bank chalans and keep track of them. Print Fee Receipts in less than a second, no need to keep physical copy of Fee receipts. Generate various Fee Collection reports, date wise, month wise, Fee header wise.
SMS Facility
Instantly send any message to either parents or employees with integrated Send SMS feature. Keep watch on the SMS sent by others and check the history for details on the message sent. Use placeholder keywords in messages to customize the message for sending to either parents or employees. Custome message templates for automatic messages sent from the App. Customize as per your choice. Local language support to send SMS in any Indian Language using the Unicode SMS. Send SMS for Birthday wishes, Absent alerts, Fee Due and Exam reminders, Exam results, Fee collection. Easily send SMS to parents or employees for any announcements, updates, transport delays, exam schedules, assignments etc.,
Send SMS SMS History Local Language Message Templates SMS Details Keywords Birthday Wishes Absent Alerts Fee Due Alerts Announcements
Events Gallery
Events Listing Event Setup Event Reminders Photo Album
Create events of your schools to share with the parents, send quick reminders about the event to students. Easily upload the event photos and set the title for each photo. Photo gallery gives a quick view of the event with automatic photo gallery slide show and plenty of options. Share event photos and details with parents and keep them upto date with happenings in the school. Keep the school event gallery as a memory book and be proud of it.
Parents Access
Single login even for multiple childrens studying in the school. Get real-time updates on Assignments, Exam marks, Attendance, Notices and Events. Provides access to student's complete profile including personal details, contact details and parent details. Quick information on student's academic results, time table schedule and attendance details for the entire year. Parents can access the Fee Payments history and upcoming fee dues as well as overdue fees. Can access schools calendar of activities, events gallery and notice board. Easily access the SMS history which are sent from the school to the parent.
Dashboard School Updates Progress Card Assignments Attendance Time Table Fee Dues Payment History Events Gallery Notice Board Student Profile SMS History
Teacher Access
Class Dashboard Attendance Update Marks Entry Assignments Student Notes Time Table Send SMS Events Gallery Notice Board
Get quick view of entire class activities on the class dashboard, view attendance updates, assignments etc., Update class attendance in few seconds with simple clicks and send Absent alerts instantly. Enter marks for Test/Exams and Activities, automatic percentage and grade calculation. Give Assignments and track them for each student, parents are notified of assignments on the App. Add student notes and send SMS to parents or other staff members for any updates. Check school events gallery and notice board for any updates from management in real-time. Access weekly schedule and keep in track of the schedule ahead of time.
Get quick view of entire school activities on the dashboard, view recent SMS sent, attendance updates. Manage multiple schools with single login, give access to teachers for multiple schools as well. Easy drill down for details on Absentees list, Birthdays list, Attendance information, SMS messages. Export full school data in various formats and reports, easily generate any data report within seconds. Manage Employees data along with photo and keep the information upto date. Issue ID Card and print reports. Easily setup application User login for teachers, clerks, accountants or administration. Define custom roles and permissions as required.
Dashboard School Groups Notice Board Emplyee Setup User Setup User Roles Role Permissions Data Export
Other Features
Permissions Secured Activity Tracking Mobile App Faculty Access Free Updates Online Support Help Document
Restricted Access with customizable role permissions, completely restricted access with permissions. Application secured with SSL certificate over the internet and direct data access restricted. Mobile responsive user interface, easily can be accessed using any mobile with internet access. Faculty access with restricted student data access and limited operations to keep it secure. The advantage of being an online platform gives Free updates as and when released, keeps it upto date. Get online support for any queries regarding usage or data fixes, incase of any mistakes. Instantly access the help document on every page of application.